
What does your church do?

We make disciples of willing people, and observe two ordinances: Baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper. Both of these should only be done by those who have confessed Jesus as their Lord and Savior, truthfully and sincerely having repented of their sins. Both ordinances are symbolic expressions only, and are meant to prove an outward expression of an inward faith. We invite any Trinitarian Christian to the Lord's Supper, and add to our membership those who get baptized in our facility.

Discipleship is the increased behaviors and speech of emulating Jesus Himself, as well as following the instructions of the Holy Bible in an appropriate, reverent, and God-honoring way. It tends to increase behaviors of reverence, kindness, joy, perseverance, and charity until a lifetime of faithful devotion is possible. It's always a work in progress, and the approval of God Himself is the goal.

What is a Southern Baptist Church?

Every Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) church is different, with different structures and traditions. The SBC agrees with the BFM 2000 ( which allows for individuals and churches to agree with the things that are vital and central to orthodox Christianity, through the lens of the Gospel, trusting the Holy Bible as the inerrant authority in all of life's most important matters. As every church holds Jesus as its Lord, we do not have a headquarters and every church is autonomous, and cooperates together for missions with offices separated by geographical region. Some churches wear suits and dresses, we enjoy a casual, yet respectful attire for Sunday and Wednesday meetings.

What does your church believe?

We believe in the Holy Bible, both the KJV and translations like it, as the inspired, inerrant and authoritative Word of God, and Jesus as Lord and Savior of those who would believe upon Him for Salvation. To that end, we agree with the BFM2000, at .

We have acknowledged a responsibility to be in agreement against racism in any form, for any reason, past, present, or future.

We accept marriage to be God's mode of the foundation of the family, between and man and a woman, establishing a Christian household that will raise children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Through a careful, reserved, non-radical, non-liberal interpretation of Scripture, we affirm the (ordained) offices of Pastor and Deacon to be reserved for men, with the possibility of a Deaconess (non-ordained) to serve women in instances where a Deacon would be inappropriate, though such instances are rare, but we respect those instances.

We cannot dictate or declare faith healings, charismata, glossolalia, or xenoglossia as practiced at Pentecostal/Charismatic churches to be either historically legitimate or necessary for Salvation, thus we won't promote those activities as part of our Sunday church service, but will not judge, promote or condemn those activities; as we need not argue over issues that impart no salvific value.

We believe we must evangelize in accordance with the Great Commission; to make disciples and baptize them.

What is the Trinity?

We believe in the Trinity, a word indicating three persons of the same nature and essence, yet One God, 3 in 1. God the Father was revealed to us as Jehovah (YHWH); God the Son revealed to us as Jesus, fully God and fully man; and God the Holy Spirit, the powerful personage of God that executes the will of the Father, and catalyzes/empowers the Gospel message to sanctify believers, and proceeds from the Father and the Son, omnipresent in the entire universe. Although we could make comparisons to a shamrock leaf or an egg to better understand "3 in 1", we trust Jesus spoke to His Father, not Himself when He prayed, and promised us the Holy Spirit as Comforter to us in a way different than Himself, after He would ascend to Heaven.

What does your church require of members?

We are welcoming to our entire community to visit and sing praises to His Majesty Jesus Christ and hear the preached sermon, however we have Scriptural guidelines for those wishing to become voting members. We require faithful and sacrificial giving necessary to sustain the facilities, supplies, and operations of the church as a registered non-profit organization. We require friendliness, kindness, compassion and fun conversation between ourselves, and charity, upright conduct and ambassadorship between ourselves and the general public.

Any creeds, confessions and traditions?

Not typically. We agree with the Apostle's Creed, but that in and of itself does not impart Salvation unless you already believe on Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It's a good guide, with an interesting history. We don't have a standard confession, unless you count the BFM 2000, which is not a confession but a "conventional agreement" of faith. As far as tradition goes, the best one is likely found in the book of Acts, where people worshipped together, ate together, and generally had a great time in each other's company, praising God and giving Him glory.

I still have questions!

Come visit. We have coffee.