
We are so glad you became one of us! Welcome to the family!

We separate this orientation into three parts: Theology (what we believe), Partnership (what we do with each other) and Community (how we represent this church and Jesus to Lakeview and the world).

  1. Theology: Most importantly, we believe Jesus is God, the Son of God specifically, who is fully God and fully Man in all ways except for sin, who died as a propitiation (someone who took our place) on a cross that we might live forever with Jesus as Lord and Savior, as explained in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000. Should the Southern Baptist Convention adopt anything other than the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 as a common statement of faith and orthodox beliefs, we will no longer be Southern Baptists. We anticipate the return of Jesus in accordance with Scripture and thus we must evangelize in accordance with His instructions. We trust the Holy Bible as the Word of God, which makes no mistakes and has the authority to dictate our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors in all aspects of life.

  2. Partnership: We strengthen and encourage each other's efforts in as much of this life as possible, in an appropriate and commendable way. We will not gossip, backbite, or belittle anyone. We will be the first to apologize, the first to forgive, and the first to make peace and happy relations with each other. We will have a safe place for all ages in perfect transparency to law enforcement, local agents of government, and any other legitimate agency that has any concern for the safety of Lakeview community members. We will be kind always, even when there are inevitable conflicts or disagreements. As an organization, we should strive for harmony under the leadership of the ordained, who himself must strive for harmony with the congregation as the Scripture dictates. People are not part of the problem, they are part of the solution. We must be a gathering of people that seek to be edified, seek to become ever better disciples, and increase the number of this church without destroying the foundations of those who have brought us to where we are now. Change is slow sometimes, but eventually, this church won't always do things "the way we used to" because people themselves change. We cannot "run people off" until we somehow get a perfect church. We must be moderate and loving in our dealings with others (Philippians, Corinthians) so the church itself can endure another 60 years. We are a pastor-led church whose pastor seeks consensus, not majority. We are all in this together.

  3. Community: We are a church that loves our community, and conducts ourselves in a way that would attract people to our church. Even those who do not believe as we do should be grateful for our presence in the town. We commit ourselves to be ambassadors of our church in public conduct. We will do nothing to embarrass our church, Lakeview, or most importantly, Jesus Himself, who knows all we do and think. We make our boast in Christ alone, and strive for His likeness to be seen in us, to bring glory to God.

Now that you are a member, it is expected for you to have a motivation to continue the operations of this church, directly or indirectly, as part of your service to God and the real people of this church, to include Sunday attendance, donating at least a tenth of your income to the funds that you either specify or trust to the leadership of the church, and as practical, attend the business meetings to ensure your opinions are heard and you add your flavor to this church. It's the Lord's church, but it's the church's building, real estate, equipment, supplies and legacy. You've joined a church with a history of faithfulness! Keep it going!